A Brown Bag Breakfast

There are a couple of days per week where I have to get up very early and I don't want to wake my wife and son when I get ready to go to work.  That means I also don't want to make a lot of noise making a bit of breakfast to eat before I go.

At first, I'd go to the building cafeteria or swing through the Golden Arches on my way in to pick up a quick bite but this gets expensive over time and also isn't near as good as anything I could make at home.

My solution was to turn to my travel experiences.  A lot of the hotels we visit have breakfast bars and some of them have pre-made cheese omelets that they just warm up and stick in a chafing dish.

Done right, they're pretty good but I think I can do better so I'm making my own premade cheese omelet the night before that I can take into work and finish in the microwave.

Here's how it's done...

INGREDIENTS (see picture at top)
2 eggs
a handful of shredded cheese (I use jack but use whatever works for you)
a couple of shakes of salt
a shake of pepper
1/4 teaspoon half and half

Crack the eggs and put into a bowl.  Add the half and half. With a salt shaker, shake a couple of times to put some salt in. Add a little pepper, too.

Stir it all up with a fork.

In a hot (my stove goes to 7, I put it on 6), preheated, 10 inch, non-stock pan, pour the mixture.  Add the handful of cheese in a line across the mixture in the pan.

As it cooks, lift up the edges to let the liquid eggs flow underneath to cook.

Fold the far edge over the closer edge.

Once folded over, turn off the heat and let sit for 20 seconds.

Put in a sealable bowl and then put that in the fridge. In the morning, cook 50 seconds to a minute on high in the office microwave.

It's delicious and costs less than a dollar.

Copyright 2015 - Darryl Musick
All Rights Reserved

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